The list of terms: Basis cranii externa – External base of cranium Fossa temporalis – Temporal fossa Fossa infratemporalis – Infratemporal fossa Cavitas nasi – Nasal cavity Arcus alveolaris maxillae – Maxillary alveolar arch Palatum osseum – Bony (hard) palate Choana – Posterior aperture of the nose Processus pterygoideus – Pterygoid process (of the sphenoid bone)


Start studying Næsen og dens bihuler. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Næsehulen, cavitas nasi, inddeles i forgården, vestibulum nasi, (U), og den egentlige næsehule, cavitas nasi propria. Vestibulum nasi ligger lige indenfor næseborene og er i modsætning til cavitas nasi propria beklædt med hud. I vestibulum nasi findes nogle stive hår. Crus laterale (= lateraler Schenkel) Cartilagines alares minores (wörtl. "kleinere Nasenflügelknorpel") Knorpel der Nasenscheidewand (= Septum nasi) Cartilago septi nasi; Nasenmuscheln.

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The nasal cavity is an initial part of the respiratory tract and it also lodges the olfactory receptors providing the sense smell. The nasal cavity is a large, air-filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face. The nasal septum divides the cavity into two cavities, also known as fossae. Each cavity is the continuation of one of the two nostrils. The nasal cavity is the uppermost part of the respiratory system and provides the nasal passage for inhaled air from the nostrils to the nasopharynx and rest of the respiratory tract. The paranasal sinuses surround and drain into the nasal cavity.

Näshålan (latin: cavum nasi, cavitas nasi) är den del av luftvägarna som befinner sig bakom näsan i mitten av ansiktet och är förbundet till yttervärlden genom näsborrarna. Näshålan är uppdelad i två halvor som separeras från varandra av en vägg med ben och brosk, nässkiljeväggen (septum nasi).

CAVUM Lateral wall arcus zygomaticus Medial wall (septum nasi). Lateral wall (3 layers )  bölüm de vestibülüm nazi ve cavum nazi olarak kendi içinde iki bölgeye ayrılır. Burun Resim 4: Burunun mukoza ve lateral duvar kanlanması. 17 —V.

cavum (cavitas) nasi:cavitas) nasi vestibule, vestibulum nasi nasal cavity proper, cavum nasi proprium Nasal septum, septum nasi: pars ossea vomer lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis pars cartilaginea cartilago septi nasi cartilagines alares majores organum vomeronasale (Jacobsoni) –феромони locus Kiesselbachi

Cavitas nasi lateral duvarı

V/2) lamina cribrosa /cribriform plate/ fossa cranii anterior. cavitas nasi - nn. olfactorii : orbita (via canalis orbitocranialis) Lateral wall of the nasal cavity, Cavitas nasi, left side; lateral view.

Cavitas nasi lateral duvarı

Solunum Sistemi Anatomisi - ppt indir. Cavitas nasi Функции носовой In the lateral wall of the cavitas nasi, the openings of the ductus nasolacrimalis and the paranasal sinuses have been indicated. Figure 2. Open in figure viewer PowerPoint.
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Sinüs paranasales„teki normal yapıların yanı sıra varyasyonlar   Radix nasi. Dorsum nasi. Ala nasi. Apex nasi.

SPLANCHNOLOGY Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov External nose 5 External nose , nasus externus: in the center of the face pyramidal in shape a human trait –three forms: strait, fleshy andhawk nose Anatomical parts: base, basis nasi lateral side wings, alae nasi dorsum, dorsum nasi root,radix nasi tip, apex nasi nostrils 6 Septum nasi 7 Sinus maxillaris 8 M. masseter 9 M. buccinator 10 Vestibulum oris 11 Dens molaris II 12 Glandulae palatinae 13 Cavitas oris 14 Corpus linguae 14a A. profunda linguae 15 M. genioglossus 16 M. geniohyoideus 17 M. mylohyoideus 18 M. digastricus, venter anterior 19 Platysma 20 M. temporalis Latin 4 Cartilago septi nasi Cartilago alaris major - crus laterale - crus mediale Cartilagines alares minores. Septum nasi - pars membranacea - pars Lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis Vomer. CAVITAS NASI - vestibulum –limen, vibrisae, recessus apicis nasi - cavitas nasi propria –meatus nasi sup., medius, inf.
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cavity [kav´ĭ-te] 1. a hollow or space, or a potential space, within the body or one of its organs; called also caverna and cavum. 2. the lesion produced by dental caries. Cavities in the body. From Applegate, 2000. abdominal cavity the cavity of the body between the diaphragm above and the pelvis below, containing the abdominal organs. absorption c's

104.Lateral strabismus (dış şaşılık) görülen bir kişide n.oculomotorius felci oluşmuştur. 105. M.tensor tympani; • Kulak zarını gererek daha hassas duruma getirir (hiperakuzi). Setelah keluar dari cavitas cranii berjalan di ventral v.jugularis interna n.X ke kaudal m.stylohyoideus dan venter posterior m.digastricus, kemudian datang di lateral a.carotis externa melengkung ke ventral di sebelah lateral m.hypoglossus dan memberi cabang sebagai rr.linguales ke musculli hypoglossus, styglossus, Genioglossus, dan otot-otot

Cartilago septi nasi Cartilago alaris major - crus laterale - crus mediale Cartilagines alares minores. - cavitas nasi propria –meatus nasi sup., medius, inf.

A cavity above and behind the nose that is limited by the nasal bone and the soft and hard palate. more Show declension of nasal fossa ( )) stemming. Example cavity [kav´ĭ-te] 1. a hollow or space, or a potential space, within the body or one of its organs; called also caverna and cavum.

lamina prevertebralis fasciae cervicalis laterally: 1.